

Zimbabwe is one of the countries hardest hit by HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. As of 2019, nearly 1.4 million people are living with HIV in Zimbabwe – 84,000 of these individuals are children under the age of 15.
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Key Program Accomplishments

Since 2001, EGPAF-Zimbabwe has:

Reached over 3.4 million pregnant women in antenatal care

Provided HIV testing to over 181,481 HIV-exposed infants before two months of life

Ensured over 80,000 babies were born HIV-free

Our Work

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) in Zimbabwe brings both clinical HIV expertise and a focus on strengthening data quality and health systems to address the HIV and AIDS epidemic in-country. Since 2001, EGPAF has been a lead partner to Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Care, supporting the national prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and pediatric HIV care and treatment programs. EGPAF-Zimbabwe has helped the country work toward its goal of near elimination of new pediatric HIV infections by supporting PMTCT and pediatric programs at the facility, district, provincial, and national levels with a primary focus on improving the quality of HIV services in Zimbabwe. In addition to direct health service delivery support, EGPAF-Zimbabwe advocates for policy development aligned with local community needs focusing on PMTCT, the scale-up of early infant HIV diagnosis (EID), and the specific needs of HIV-positive children and adolescents. We also engage in operations research, which aims to increase access and use of the most effective HIV and AIDS services.

