December 2014

5. Fighting AIDS at Home and Abroad: World AIDS Day 2014

Our President and CEO Charles Lyons sat down with POZ magazine to discuss Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation's (EGPAF) work as part of their World AIDS Day featured coverage.

The interview focuses on EGPAF’s 25-year history and current operations, as well as the main challenges to eliminating pediatric AIDS in the world today — including closing the gap in access to HIV treatment between adults and children, and the importance of activism in meeting new ambitious global treatment goals. Watch the full interview.

See more of POZ Magazine's commemoration of World AIDS Day 2014.

Because an AIDS-free generation is not just a dream, from November 24 through December 26, we are highlighting 25 ways that EGPAF, our partners, and every-day people are helping and/or can help make it a reality. Pediatric HIV/AIDS is solvable, but we can't do it alone. Each and every one of us has an important role to play.

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